FRIDAY 21st June
Northern Counties Chihuahua Club (Championship Show) Rings 6/7. Secretary Mrs E Waddington Tel:- (01768-840603)
Northern Boston Terrier Club of England (Championship Show) Ring 16 Sec:- Anna Spencer, Tel:- (07740053961)
Cheshire & North Wales Yorkshire Terrier Society(Championship Show) ring 13 , Secretary Mr Mark Burns Tel:- (0161 437 7118)
Northern Pomeranian Club (Championship Show) Ring 11. Secretary Mrs D.R Smith (0151 677 7118)
Northern Poodle Club (Championship Show) Rings 26/27. Secretary Miss C Harwood Tel:- (01254-812121)
[Blackpool & Fylde Bulldog Club (Open Show) Ring 20. after the Bulldogs, Secretary Mrs V J Collins-Nattrass, Tel:- (01522-684545)
Dalmatian Club of Scotland (Open Show) Ring 18. Secretary Mrs M Mulholland. Tel:- (01655-331862)
SATURDAY 22nd June
Lancs & Cheshire Dachshunds (Championship Show) rings 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Secretary Mrs D Kirkwood-Emery, Tel (01563 524606)
Northern Afghan Hound Club, (Championship Show) Ring 3, secretary Ms Judith Ayrton Tel:- (01254-351316)
North of England Cocker Spaniel Association (Championship Show) Ring 19, Secretary :- Mrs Anne Sutton Tel:- (01254-581652)
Northern Italian Spinone Association (Open Show) Ring 26. Secretary Maxine Munday. Tel:- (07765-583881)
SUNDAY 23rd June
Northern Gt Dane Club . (Championship show) Ring 12 Secretary Mrs O A Bates Tel:- 01606 737444
Northern Bullmastiff Club (Championship Show) Ring 16 After Bullmastiff's Secretary Mr G Shirt, Tel:- 07852 311928
Mancunian Boxer Club (Championship Show) Ring 14. Secretary Mrs S Jump Tel:- (01606-889043)